Welcome to our first Public Company Forum newsletter. Each spring and fall for nearly ten years, we have hosted face-to-face Public Company Forums that provided updates and facilitated peer discussion regarding securities, governance and other topics relevant to public companies. This newsletter format extends the Public Company Forum concept to a broader audience. And because the Forum will be published quarterly, it will help you monitor developing issues.
The Public Company Forum is not a client alert or white paper. While summaries of new rules and cases have their place, we know that you already get plenty of those. Rather, the Forum is designed to stimulate thought about recent developments and recommend avenues for follow up. We will provide concise overviews, identify trends and best practices and offer insights and practical tips.
We are committed to making the Forum user friendly because, let’s face it, some of this stuff is pretty dry. We’ll use checklists, bullets, charts, boxes and plain English. Our goal is to provide at least one interesting takeaway per issue.
For those of you who have attended our Public Company Forums over the years, I appreciate your continuing interest. For those of you who are new to the Forum, welcome!
As always, I invite your comments, questions and feedback.
R. Douglas Harmon
Head of the Corporate and Securities Practice Group and the Public Company Team
Summer 2011 Public Company Forum Articles:
Risky Business: Effective Compliance Programs
The SEC’s New Whistleblower Rules: Now What?
Dodd-Frank Act Progress Report: Summer 2011