Steve Carey was quoted in Law360's analysis of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling involving class action litigation.
The case, Frank v. Gaos, concerned the permissibility of "cy pres" awards that go to third parties when the payout to actual class members would be too small to be practical. The justices sent the case back to lower courts to consider whether the class members have standing to sue in the first place. Steve explained in Law360 that the issues surrounding standing and cy pres awards go hand in hand.
"If class members’ injuries are so limited as to preclude recovery, there is a chance that they also cannot satisfy the injury requirement for standing," Steve said. "As a result, it makes some intuitive sense that the cy pres issue would hit a standing hurdle before it could be addressed on the merits."
You can read the full article here. Law360 has more than 1 million newsletter recipients each day and is among the most trusted sources in the legal industry.
Steve also detailed the issues that were ultimately part of the ruling in a preview of the case he wrote for Law360. You can find that preview here.