In Strategies & Voices, Kristen Bateman Leis was quoted on how law firms can drive value for their clients.
“Corporate legal departments are struggling with the same workforce issues as everyone else — an exhausted workforce and a highly competitive labor market,” Kristen said. “Hiring, training and retaining is requiring a lot of time and attention from our clients. They need their outside law firms to focus on what they do best — keep their legal department’s eye on the horizon for legal risks that could have a significant impact on their company.”
Kristen also discussed the foundation of quality communication with clients. “Investing in learning the client’s business and genuinely caring about their long-term success is key," she said.
You can read the full article here: Greater Than Zero: Client Experience Redefines Value.
Strategies & Voices is the official online publication of the Legal Marketing Association, which is the worldwide authority for legal marketing.