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2022 in Review: NC and SC Complex Business Cases

Carolinas Business Litigation Year in Review

    Speaking Engagements
  • February 16, 2023

Catherine Clodfelter, Coker Holmes, Adam Setzer, and Emily Bridges presented at Parker Poe’s Carolinas Business Litigation Year in Review. They discussed cases from the state business and appellate courts that impact businesses in the Carolinas. 2022 trending topics included:

  • NC Fiduciary Duties
  • Attorney-Client Privilege
  • Discovery Sanctions
  • Claims Falling Under Arbitration Clauses (SC)

The Carolinas Business Litigation Year in Review in Charlotte also included Parker Poe attorneys providing an overview on the legal, technical and practical challenges for businesses of all sizes with “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)”; the use of mobile devices for personal and professional purposes. There also was a panel of in-house counsel discussing best practices for document retention, selecting counsel, and lawyers in non-lawyer roles.