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Key Takeaways From the 2024 Election: Georgia

    Client Alerts
  • November 11, 2024

While Georgia did not hold an election for governor or any other statewide offices, there were ballot measures and legislative races to consider. The status quo will remain in place with Republicans having control of the governor’s mansion and the legislature. However, some of the ballot measures will impact businesses. Small businesses in particular will benefit from the statewide referendum. It will increase a property tax exemption for tangible personal property worth $7,500 or less to properties worth $20,000 or less.

Ballot Measures

Georgia had two constitutional amendments and one referendum on the statewide ballot this year. The amendment to provide a local homestead tax exemption passed with 63% of the vote. Likewise, the amendment to create a state tax court passed with 52% of the vote.

The lone referendum on the ballot to increase the property tax exemption passed with 64% of the vote.


Republican state lawmakers retained almost every seat in competitive races across the state, according to unofficial results from Tuesday’s general election.

Democratic candidates chipped away at the edges, but the GOP remained in firm control of both the state House and Senate, helped in part by the Republican-led redistricting effort in 2023. While the outcomes have yet to be finalized, the Democrats stand to gain two seats in the House, leaving the Republicans with a 100-80 advantage in the chamber.

Republicans will hold a 33-23 advantage in the Georgia Senate.

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