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Samantha Lewis Presents at G-CASE Fall Conference

FY23 G-CASE Fall Conference

    Speaking Engagements
  • November 17, 2022

Samantha Lewis is presenting at the FY23 G-CASE Fall conference. Her first presentation, “Discipline and Students with Disabilities,” will discuss what special education administrators need to know to avoid legal pitfalls when disciplining students with disabilities.

Samantha is also presenting a Title IX update on what Title IX is, updates, and why it is important to special education administrators.

G-CASE is organized to promote professional leadership, provide an opportunity for the study of problems common to its members, and to communicate through discussion and publications information that will develop improved services for exceptional children.

In addition, Beth Morris and Reagan Sauls are giving two presentations at the conference: “Legal Strategies to Win the Chess Game of Special Education Staffing” and “Lessons from the Front Lines.” Click here for more information.