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Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise: What Are They and Why Should Your Company Do Them?

The Master's Conference

    Speaking Engagements
  • December 07, 2023

Sarah Hutchins presented at The Master's Conference on cybersecurity tabletop exercises. She was part of a panel explaining:

  • The benefits of conducting a tabletop exercise
  • Who should participate in one
  • How to select facilitators for the exercise
  • Best practices for which stakeholders to involve
  • Decision points to discuss as enterprises plan for how they would respond to a data security incident

Parker Poe's Heather Munday also presented at the conference. Her panel discussed leveraging all available data in legal discovery. 

The Master's Conference is a highly regarded boutique legal conference held in cities throughout the U.S., along with Toronto and London. The conference in Charlotte brought together leaders in the legal, technology, and business sectors to share insights and explore solutions involving cybersecurity, data privacy, artificial intelligence, and other elements of technology.